Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Yellow Peril!


Another year and another season of worry for farmers and horse owners alike. The Country Landowners Association joined forces with the British Horse Society and other like minded groups to attempt to rid parts of our countryside of Ragwort. Unfortunately certain Highway and Rail Authorities feel unable, because of limited funds, to do the same. Since bi-passes sprang up throughout the valley banks of yellow flowers coat roadside verges at an alarming rate.

What appears a delight to passing motorists, could when it spreads to nearby fields, spell certain death for farm animals and horses. Under the1959 Weeds Act, Ragwort is listed as an injurious weed and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has the power to serve Ragwort clearance notices if it poses a threat to agricultural land, and to take action against those who do not control it. It is time Highway and Railway Authorities were made more aware of their duty to those who live and work in the countryside.

Further information about Ragwort removal can be obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, British Horse Society Welfare Committee, DEFRA or local vets.

