year twitchers observed a rise in numbers of the Great Twit.
Global warming and increased leisure time brought this species to our
open countryside. Observers noted Great Twits were often accompanied
by domestic dogs. While the latter species reek havoc
amongst ground nesting birds, be they wild or game, Great Twits
are often oblivious to this carnage. Modern agricultural practice is
not without problems, but Great Twit and their dogs must take some
Unfortunately, followers of the southern Greater Twit
appear equally oblivious to countrymen’s fears, by advocating the
species be given free range status. Not only ground nesters, but
ewes and lambs are at risk on moorland and in field. Unless a sense
of responsibility is brought to Great Twits, harmonious free range
status will be reduced significantly. Keep all dogs under control
on open moorland, in the nesting season, otherwise Skylarks
amongst others will be nought but faded pictures in books.
From 14.08.2010
From 14.08.2010